
WooCommerce Post-Purchase Survey using TotalPoll


WooCommerce, the most popular and extensible e-commerce platform offers a wide range of features for shop owners like product catalog, inventory, and more. WooCommerce is awesome to kickstart your store in a timely manner, however, to grow your business, you need to understand your audience and know their expectations, and work on them.

Throughout your e-commerce journey, you need to measure different aspects of your business. Surveys are a powerful item to have in your marketing and growth arsenal, they help you measure and benchmark your audience and the effectiveness of your processes and workflows.


WooCommerce Surveys

WooCommerce by default does not include a built-in survey functionality, however, WooCommerce is quite extensible and that's why we've built a custom integration with TotalPoll, our WordPress poll plugin that offers a robust, easy to use and flexible polling and surveying functionality.

In this guide, we'll explore how to create a post-purchase survey using WooCommerce and TotalPoll and how to benefit from this kind of survey to adjust your purchase workflow and overall buying experience.


Get TotalPoll up and running

First, we need to get TotalPoll Pro up and running, you can start by downloading TotalPoll and then, head to your WordPress Dashboard then Add New and click on Upload Plugin, pick TotalPoll plugin bundle file, and once done, click on Install Now.

By activating TotalPoll now, you're ready to start using it and we're ready to take on the next step.


Create the post-purchase survey

The second step is to create the post-purchase survey. TotalPoll's interface is simple and intuitive, you can create your survey by clicking on Create Poll under TotalPoll Menu. Once done, you will be redirected to the poll editor where you can introduce the questions and choices.


After adding the questions and choices, it's time to add a comment field so customers can leave their feedback.


Great! The second step is over and the poll is ready!

WooCommerce Post-purchase Survey Integration

We've arrived at the last step, where we need to integrate our post-purchase survey with WooCommerce. TotalPoll has an add-on that brings WooCommerce survey functionality and makes it easy to integrate the post-purchase survey.

Before jumping to WooCommerce settings, we need to make sure that WooCommerce Survey integration is activated by heading to TotalPoll > extensions page as shown below.


Afterward, we need to navigate to WooCommerce settings and click on the Polls section.


That's all, easy right? now let's try to place an order to see our post-purchase survey:


Let's take a look at the results by navigating to the TotalPoll > Insights page and choose the post-purchase poll:


Finally, we can see the details of each vote by heading to the TotalPoll > Logs page:

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