Live Polling

Extension for TotalPoll


TotalPoll live polling settings

Are you looking to have a live poll with real-time updated results? This extension lets you add real-time results chart to your website.

How to use

  1. Install and activate the extension from TotalPoll > Extensions page.
  2. Create or open a poll.
  3. Under the "Integration" tab, open the "Live Results" tab.
  4. Copy the shortcode.
  5. Create a separate page or open an existing page, and paste the shortcode into it.
  6. Open the page, and check the results chart.


  1. There are four types of charts: doughnut, bar, line, and pie.
  2. You can enable or disable the legend by adding "with-legend" to the shortcode. For example, [totalpoll id="1" screen="live:bar:with-legend"].






Included with:
Pro & Business Subscription
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TotalPoll 4.0.3